Thursday, September 9, 2010

Great Things to do in Life

Goal : 'Watch the sun set and rise'

1 Watch the sun set and rise

A reflective event drawing to a close a day never to be repeated.

The last day of somebody's life and the first day of another's.

A sunrise is a different matter altogether. Hear the birds singing, feel the crisp morning air, and appreciate the fact that you have another day to spend as you wish on this beautiful earth.

For maximum effect, consider finding somewhere peaceful and secluded. Watching the sun set or rise over the rooftops of a city just isn't the same.

Goal : 'Grow something'

Grow something

Whether it is a houseplant, a tomato, or a mighty oak tree, plant a seed, and watch it grow.

After some feeding and watering, your hard work should be rewarded in the form of a shoot.

Give it a few weeks and you will feel total satisfaction as the fruit of your labour begins to blossom. Depending on what you grow, you might even be able to eat it.

Become a parent

There is nothing else on earth that will make you feel so complete, protective, proud, old and young or energetic and tired, as having a child.

Of course, having a child should not be taken lightly, it is the most important decision you are ever likely to make. For both your benefit and the child's benefit, the timing has to be right, and a loving and suitable environment has to be provided.

If you are able to provide a secure and caring environment to raise a child and are considering starting a family, but you are perhaps nervous, or focusing on your career, many, many people will doubtless tell you that becoming a parent is the most fulfilling and rewarding thing you can ever do.

Visit Paris

Paris, the city of love and romance, truly is one of the world's most beautiful cities.

The Renaissance architecture and the tree lined Boulevards cannot fail to charm lovers both young and old.

Stroll down the Parc Du Champ De Mars and take a lift to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Look out over this enchanting city and wonder why you haven't visited before. Everyone must visit Paris at least once, if only to see just how impressive the Eiffel Tower is.

Tell someone you love them

Telling someone you love them can be both the hardest and the easiest thing to say. A courting couple may proclaim their undying love so often that it rolls off their tongue without a second thought.

On the other hand, many of us find it difficult to tell those we care about most exactly how we feel about them. Telling your father or your best friend that you love them could seem a little awkward, but that is why it is one of our suggestions of things to do.

Pick up the phone, or better still, go and visit someone you really love and tell them what they mean to you. Those three little words are easy to say and yet can mean so much.

And Remember LOVE must be SINCERE and GENUINE.

Goal : 'Go to the theatre'

Go to the theatre

Nothing can beat the theatre for entertainment.

Technology and special effects are all well and good on the cinema screen, but the human touch of actors performing live in front of you, the passion of all those involved with the performance,

and the grandeur of the stage and the theatre itself make a visit to the theatre something we should do more often.

When was the last time you went to the theatre? Go soon before this age old art disappears behind DVD and big budget movies.

Be creative

out of the box

Everyone has a creative side to them, it's finding it, and finding time to do it that is the problem.

You may think you are the most uncreative person you know, but unless you've tried clay pot making, or tried to sit down and write a story, you will never know if it is your creative forte.

This suggestion is to try and be creative in one form or another, draw or paint a picture, write a poem or song, or make a wicker basket if that appeals to you.

For those of you who already have a creative hobby, make time for yourself to do it.

Climb a mountain

This is a more adventurous suggestions, although the mountain doesn't necessarily have to be the size of Everest. There are many more smaller mountains both in this country and abroad that novices can walk up as opposed to climb up.

To stand at the base of a mountain and to look up and not be able to see the summit is awesome. Feeling the cold, the tiredness and the breathlessness at a great height and then feeling the joy of knowing you have conquered the mountain as many past climbers have done is indescribable, not to mention the spectacular views.

Whether it is a mountain or a very big hill you have climbed, the feeling of achievement and freedom is the same.

For extra motivation you could also choose to make the climb for charity and raise money for your favourite cause.

Well if you don't want to climb Mountains, go for the most exotic trek on earth to Annapurna Base Camp and also see Pokhara.

Christmas in New York

The hustle and bustle of Christmas shoppers on the streets, ice skating in Central Park, the elaborate shop window decorations, and the enormous Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center all combine to make New York one of the most festive and magical places to spend your Christmas.

All over the city you'll find decorations celebrating the holiday season including a giant snowflake suspended above 57th Street and Fifth Avenue, home to Bergdorf Goodman and Tiffany's. Stroll along Park Avenue and you'll be enchanted by the 2 miles of lighted Christmas trees stretching from 46th to 96th Street.

Gaze in awe at the department store windows transformed by designers into miniature Christmas worlds enticing you inside to do some last minute Christmas shopping, just leave enough room in your suitcase to bring back all of your presents.

Go horse riding

There was once a time, long before cars and crowded public transport, when the only respectable way to travel was on horseback. No traffic jams, no music from other people's headphones, just man and beast.

Nowadays, our sugar cube munching friends have been relegated to show- jumping, racing, and patrolling football matches. Why not do one of them a favour and take them for a stroll in the country. See what it's like to travel engine-free. They like it - and so will you.

Take a walk in the rain

Next time it rains, don't rush inside or put your umbrella up, it's only water after all. Instead, take a walk and see how different and new the world looks.

Look up to the sky, feel the raindrops on your face, and feel and smell the freshness in the air.

Walk down streets you haven't walked down before and visit a park to see how green the trees and grass look.

Remember not to rush, you've got all the time in the world.

Goal : 'Take a walk in the rain'

23 Surprise someone

Whether it be with a surprise visit, maybe someone that you have not had the time to go and see for a while, or by sending your mother or sister a bouquet of flowers for no other reason than you love them.

Goal : 'Surprise someone'

Maybe give your best friend a small gift, or surprise your partner by cooking them a secret candlelit meal. If you're the creative type, you could even send them a poem or make them something.

Surprising someone can cost nothing but can be fun for you as well as you witness the look on their face as they realise that you cared enough to put thought into action.

Photo by Nickmunstr

Do a parachute jump

Skydiving as a competitive sport requires total body control, knowledge of the air and a great deal of skill to allow the parachutist to perform acrobatic manoeuvres as they descend.

For most enthusiasts and first-timers alike, a straightforward descent remains both exhilarating and hugely enjoyable.

Doing a parachute jump is one of the most exciting and nerve-racking things you will ever do. Your first jump, after some initial training, may be taken on your own.

Alternatively, you may opt for a tandem jump, strapped to an experienced instructor so you don't have to worry about pulling the cord too late or landing in a tree.

The feeling of freedom and weightlessness combined with the adrenaline rush is something everyone should experience at least once.

Again, to add to your motivation, why not do the jump for charity and raise money for a good cause at the same time?

Charity Challenges


Sleep under the stars

Most people never dream of spending the night under the stars. They book holidays that are spent in a cosy hotel looking up at a blank ceiling.

For a change, replace that ceiling with a display that can't be matched anywhere. Take a sleeping bag, even just for one night, and fall asleep watching the myriad of jewels above our heads. Imagine the distance and feel the awe of space and time.

If you prefer, you can always sleep in a tent with your head out of the door, then if you get cold in the night you can always climb inside. Not very conventional, but who cares? Challenge the norm.

Learn something new

You're never too old to learn something new. Going through the process of learning a new skill from scratch may seem a daunting task, but if you enjoy what you're doing and you come away with a new string to your bow, then it's all been worthwhile.

The list of new things to learn is endless. You could perhaps go to an evening class and study a subject of interest. You could learn a new language, first aid, or how to play an instrument.

You could also take up a new sport or hobby. Learn something new and exercise your mind.

Goal : 'Learn something new'

Go Dolphin or whale watching

Extensive commercial whaling throughout the 20th century caused a dramatic decline in whale numbers, pushing some species to the brink of extinction. Thankfully, in 1982, a ban on commercial whaling was agreed and has remained in place to allow stocks to begin to recover.

Whale watching is a fascinating experience that can contribute to their conservation both financially and through increased awareness and education.

Whale watching trips must be undertaken with a responsible operator who follows the whale watching regulations governing their area. The operator should place the welfare of the animal first, as well as providing a safe, enjoyable and educational trip.

The size and proportions of these mammals are difficult to imagine. The blue whale is the longest and heaviest animal on Earth and can weigh up to 120 tonnes

(Ek Lakh Bis Hazar Kilo!!!).

Watching an animal of this size skim silently through the sparkling blue sea is truly a privilege.

Goal : 'Visit Machu Picchu'

Visit Machu Picchu

In 1911, Hiram Bingham an American archaeologist discovered the lost city of Machu Picchu. Located high in the Peruvian Andes, the site remains impressively preserved and dates from the mid-1400s around the time of the ancient Incan empire. It is thought the city may have been a religious centre, but in truth, the purpose of the city, and the reason why the city was abandoned remains a mystery.

You too can visit this unique historical site. After transferring from the Peruvian capital Lima to the closest airport at Cuzco, it may be a good idea to remain in Cuzco to acclimatise to the altitude. This in itself is worthwhile as it gives you the opportunity to explore the old Incan capital with its colonial buildings and Baroque cathedral.

To visit Machu Picchu itself, you can either take the four-day hike along the 'Inca trail' or you can take a train to the station immediately below the city. Either way, the trip is spectacular with awe-inspiring views, and the first moment you look out over the city is unforgettable.

Goal : 'See the northern lights'

See the northern lights

Imagine seeing a dark night sky illuminated with shimmering streaks of blue, red and green.

The 'Aurora Borealis', more commonly known as the northern lights, is a natural phenomenon created when charged particles from the sun collide with particles above the polar regions of the Earth. This collision emits visible light, varying in intensity depending on solar activity.

Northern lights are usually seen in an oval shaped zone around the North Pole. The lights have on rare occasions been seen from Northern Scotland, but for a greater chance of seeing this spectacular sight without going too far afield, head for Northern Norway.

Be happy

This last suggestion is one to keep working at.

To many people being happy means lots of things. To be in the company of family and friends makes them happy, to see the look on a child's face or to wake to a beautiful morning gives them joy.

Whatever makes you happy, make time to do it and do your best to brighten the lives of others. Enjoy the sights and sounds of our world. See good instead of bad in each other and remember the glass is half full, and not half empty.

There are many more great things in life, if you have discovered something,you are welcome to suggest here.

Goal : 'Be happy'

Of all Great things on earth there is nothing greater than loving God and loving someone so much that you give your life so that others may live.

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